Quote of the Moment

"9 out of 10 doctors are divisible by 3" --->Unknown

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just Need To Get Through Today...

A friend of mine on Scrapbook.com PMed me and asked if I was ok. Here was my response. I think this is the best way to sum up my life since Thursday or so. I wanted to do an actual post going into a lot of detail about everything...but yeah, we all know that'll never happen. So, here it is:

Too much homework; too many tests on the same day (tomorrow) w/o enough time to study (as in getting the info. for the test and going over the entirety of one of the chapters that will be on the test the day before.); A horrible car crash outside of my school; the homework for one of the classes not making sense; my friend dealing with a lot of issues and needing me to help talk it through (not that I mind helping, but I just couldn't deal with it then.) ; my shoulder and neck hurting so bad I can barely sit at the computer; my theripist forgetting to call me last Thursday; my diabetes doctor appointment coming up (and knowing I'm going to get yelled at for a number of this at this appointment); my teacher asking in front of the class what was wrong as I'm having a panic attack and then taking me later (still while class is in session) into another room to try and help me with the test material only to not have any ideas.

I think that's it...and all of this lead to a nervous breakdown on my way to pick up John during witch I cried when I saw an owl (a live owl. Something you don't see often in Louisville), an ugly car, and when someone "stole" my gas pump at Kroger Fuel.

Plus Heath Ledger's death really got to me. Then the bs from Phelps and some jerk on Fox "news" as well.

I'm just worn out.

Just need to get to the end of today. I think I'll be okay then.

1 comment:

KimberKenobi said...

I'd hug you... but I don't think it would help.