Quote of the Moment

"9 out of 10 doctors are divisible by 3" --->Unknown

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We've Been Mentioned on Tellie!!

Louisville, KY was just mentioned on MSNBC about how important we are to the Democratic primary election!!!! They compared us to Western Virgina and said that Obama could "over perform" here (meaning that he could do well)!! This makes me happy for 2 reasons: 1) Obama could win Kentucky, and 2) Kentucky is actually important in the primary election...and our primary isn't until May 20th!!!!

Onto other stuff:

I've decided (with groovcat's instance) that I'm going to jump in a bit late for the 365 photo a day challenge. Granted, I started on day 48, but still.

Day 48:

Day 49:

I'm sitting at my computer.

Day 50:

I'm really driving in this photo. Took this on my way to school this morning. I put the camera on my dash board. Took me forever to do this 'cause, well...I was driving and well, I have priorities such as not dying in a car crash.

I've decided that I'm not going to follow any prompts. I'm just going to do a "day in the life" type thing.

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