Quote of the Moment

"9 out of 10 doctors are divisible by 3" --->Unknown

Sunday, August 12, 2007


John and I took a "road trip" today. Okay. Not really. We drove around trying to find my elementary school. It really wasn't too hard...I've lived in the same city since I was four.

Anyway, we found it...but I didn't get out to take pictures or anything. I should have though. But I could see the playground from the car...and it made me very sad.

They changed the playground! Back when I went there (in the late, late '80s and early '90s) they had all these wooden play bits. Like Parallel Bars and stuff, with signs that had instructions on them with what you were supposed to do on each "station." Of course no one read the signs...we just liked climbing on stuff.

Anyway, that was ALL GONE and replaced with a really fancy looking plastic thing with slides and stuff. Very awesome...I guess.

I just have so many memories tied up in those crap wooden stations. I would play by myself often. I had my own little fantasy world in my head where there were cats (like tigers and pumas...not house cats) and monkeys. And it was fun.

When I saw it was all gone I almost started to cry. I don't know why really. I guess it was yet another sign that I'm growing up and that the world doesn't stand still.

1 comment:

Johnny B. Average said...
