Quote of the Moment

"9 out of 10 doctors are divisible by 3" --->Unknown

Sunday, October 7, 2007


If you live in the Louisville, KY area, or in the E-Town, KY area and you shop at Michaels Arts and Crafts, then you might know my former coworker Kate. She has recently been unfairly fired from her job after many years of exceptional employment. She started at E-Town as a cashier and worked her way up to A&C Manager at the Hurstborne store. She was also traveling to E-Town once a week to be their book vender.

She (as well as myself) are asking people to boycott Michaels. While it may seem silly if you don't live in Louisville/E-Town, I'll at least ask you to read her request:

If you haven't heard by now, I have been unfairly fired from Michaels store #5003 in Louisville Kentucky. The official cause of termination was that I 'threatened a customer." Anyone that has known me for any amount of time knows thats a total falsehood. Don't worry about me, because I'll be fine. What I'm asking from my friends are letters of character reference, and also that former employees of said establishment write down any and all rules, policies, federal and state laws, and violations of ethics that they were witness to. It would be a great help toward my litigation.
In addition, if you would like to register your shock or express your dissatisfaction about this incident, the store address is:

Michael's 5003
1955 South Hurtsbourne Parkway
Louisville Kentucky 40220

Please feel free to address your questions, comments, and concerns to the store manager (Jack). Also, please retain a copy of your letter in case they should "not make it to the intended destination".

Thanks so much for your time!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Wow that's crazy! I don't do much shopping there anyway, but for sure won't now.

BTW got you a few scrapping goodies from China. PM me at sis or SB.com with your address :)