Quote of the Moment

"9 out of 10 doctors are divisible by 3" --->Unknown

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Grades and Doctors

So, I got my grades for all my test I have taken thus far (except for the 2 I took today...)

In Med. Law I got a 100%, even though I missed a few. I turned in a work sheet which was worth 5 points towards the test.

In Pharm I got a 92% after a 2 point curve. Awesome indeed.

In Coding II I got a 95%. I only missed one question, and it was the question I *thought* I had missed. So I wasn't too upset. I would have been upset if I had missed one that I thought I had gotten right.

In filing I deserve a medal. Since I get my homework (called Jobs) done earlier that nearly everyone else, Mr. Shafer "lets" me help other students that need help. I don't mind helping. I really, really don't. IF they are trying and have at least read the material before hand.

The 3 girls that sit behind me, haven't read anything and aren't really trying. They called me over and said, "I haven't done Job 1 yet, so do I have to do Job 1 before I can do Job 2??" I said yes, since it builds on each other. The cards that you file in Job 2 will be filed within the Job 1 cards. They looked disappointed and said, "Well...now I'm behind!"

Honey, you were behind last week when I helped you with Job 1 since you hadn't read the book. Then I had to explain to one girl what an acronym was. When I explained it to her she lite up like a Christmas tree and said, "Ohhh! That makes sense!!"

The same group also didn't understand what a cross reference card was for. Let's say the guys name is Richard Allen. You would want to make a cross reference card for Allen Richard since either of those names could be his first or last name. The girls thought that you would file Richard Allen under 'A' (correct) and file Allen Richard under 'A' as well (very, very wrong!!) What good would that do????

Okay, I'm going to stop bitching about my stupid filing class now with one last point, I did tell the teacher about them, not to be a tattle tale, but just to let him know. I said I don't mind helping people...if they try first. We'll see what happens.

Tomorrow I have a dr. appointment with a new GP. I'm going to tell her about my neck/shoulders and hopefully she'll tell me to go to some physical therapy

1 comment:

Tara said...

Hey girlie!!! what's up??? just peeking in... to see how you were....sorry i've been so busy lately! uugh!!!

CONGRATS on those grades young lady...wow!!!!! awesome, i am so proud of you!!! I bet you feel great with those grades!!!

Enjoy the weekend!!!! :D