Quote of the Moment

"9 out of 10 doctors are divisible by 3" --->Unknown

Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Owl Saga Part III The Final Fronter...Or Something

So, this will be quick 'cause it's 1:30 in the morning, and though I have nothing to do early tomorrow, I feel I should try and get up at least by 9:00.

On my way to my PT appointment today I drove by the Starbucks (not a bank, like I thought) where I saw the Owl Wednesday. I saw that it was still there, so I decided to pull into the parking lot to see if I could get a picture.

As I'm driving around the building, I realized that it was a fake owl. A FAKE!!! WTF??!!??

I'm assuming they put the owl up to scare off birds or squirrels or something.

At first I was really upset, like I had been cheated out of a really spiritual moment...or something. But then I thought, the feeling was the same even though now I know the owl was not real. I don't know how to explain it...but it worked out in my head. :D

I'll (try) and update more tomorrow 'cause stuff happened today, but for now I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Hey girl!!!
thinking of you today and thought i'd check out your blog....you've been a posting fool!! sheesh!! i was way behind!!!
I love reading your blog...ya know.... it's funny, i had a nervous break down last night myself.... just TOO MUCH!!! and not enough TIME!!! just overwhelmed and stressed, but what's new... he hehe..feeling better today though, glad i'm not the only one out there that was not feeling "all together" this weekend!!!
Take care Tracy!!!