Quote of the Moment

"9 out of 10 doctors are divisible by 3" --->Unknown

Monday, July 9, 2007

Updates, Updates, Oh My Goodness!

So I've realized recently that I've started all these "stories" here on my blog, and never really told you all how they were resolved. So, I'm going to try and do that now.

In regards to the post intitled: "You Can Only Eat an Elephant One Bite at a Time"

* Jack "fixed" the schedual for me. By that I mean he took me off the schedual for Monday-Wednesday and then wrote me in to come in Friday night. On Monday and Tuesday, however, he did not replace me. So therefore they did not have a closing FES that night. On Friday when I came in, everyone was surpised to see me. They didn't think they had an FES that night. Dee said that she knew I was schedualed, but didn't think I'd show up.
* The next week he schedualed me for July 4th, which I wasn't too happy about. For one thing, he just assumed that I didn't have class that day (which I didn't...but that's not the point.). And we all know how my 4th of July turned out don't we (See post intitled "The Fourth of Crap-uly" for more details.)
* This week Jack didn't schedual me for Friday. Which is great in a sense 'cause I actually will have a day off of school and work at the same time! I'm just hoping he knows I can work Fridays.

In regards to the post intitled: "The Keyboarding Test"

* I did not pass. However, I don't need to take the entire class this quarter. See, I passed the five-minute time fine. So, all I need to do is my 10-key and all the units. The units are the make a table and do a block memo and all that other stuff. Once I finish all of that to my insturcters satisfaction then I'll be finished with the class for that quarter! Yeah!
* I finished my 10-key on Thursday. I just have my units now, which is cool. I do need to "re-visit" my 10-key just to practice every so often she says.

In regards to the post intitled: "Please Check Them Out"

* I'm still very obbsessed with this band. So please do check them out. :)

In regards to the post intitled: "The Fourth of Crap-uly"
* Not much really needs to be updated from this one. So I'll just move on to what's going on now.

I fell on Thursday night. I was leaving the landry room going into the garage. There are two steps that lead from the landry room to the garage. I was turned facing the door so that I could shut it, and aparently I thought I was on the last step, when in reality I was on the top step. So when I went to step down I fell. I brused left knee and hurt my left big toe pretty badly. It's still purple and a bit numb. Both ankles hurt ocasionally, but mostly my right ankle, which is the one I broke about four years ago by falling down a differnt flight of stairs. (Have I meantion that I hate stairs??) But that ankle only seems to hurt when I get off work. My back hurts a bit too, but not as badly as I was expecting it to. And just yesterday my right knee has been in pain. About every four or five steps I took last night after work, I would get a sharp pain through my knee. Then it would go away until the next fourth or fifth step.

Then, the next day, Friday, at work I slammed my left thumb in the safe door somehow. I thought it would be brused and ugly. But it's not. It still hurts. But it doesn't look bad. Today I have a Doctor's appointment with Dr. Dee to have him look at my toe, knee and back. My mom said I need to make a list before I go see him. And the sad thing is, I think she's right. I think that's it.

I have a test tomorrow in Medical Terms. And I have a test on Thursday in Anatomy and Physiology. Also on Thursday I have a small project due in my Carrer Stratogies class. Oh, and I got my second Medical Admisnistrative Techniques back, and got another 100%! So I'm thrilled about that.

Okay, this post is turning into a novel. And I only have a half hour left before class. So, bye!!

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